• Install Haskell from https://www.haskell.org/platform/ and Visual Studio Code.
  • In Visual Studio Code click on Extensions and install the Haskero plugin
  • Go to your workspace directory for your Haskell projects and start a terminal/console window.
  • Create a new project by entering the following commands:
    • stack new MyFirstHaskellProject new-template to initialize a new project.
    • Go to the directory of the new project.
    • Type stack build
    • Type stack build intero
    • Type code . to launch Visual Studio Code
    • After Visual Studio Code has launched, type stack build --file-watch in your terminal/console window to start a listener that automatically builds haskell files when changed.
  • Go to the opened Visual Studio Code Window and launch a terminal.
  • Write your first Haskell program and save the file
  • Open a new terminal in Visual Studio Code.
  • Start your program by typing stack exec .\.stack-work\install\a0555f17\bin\MyHaskellProject-exe.exe You probably have to search for the exact path to your exe file.
  • There’s a good Haskell tutorial here.